%global version_git 20190503 Name: flat-remix-theme Version: 0.0.%{version_git} Release: 2%{?dist} Summary: Pretty simple theme inspired on material design License: GPLv3+ URL: https://drasite.com/flat-remix-gtk Source: https://github.com/daniruiz/flat-remix-gtk/archive/%{version_git}.tar.gz#/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: flat-remix-gtk2-theme Requires: flat-remix-gtk3-theme Requires: flat-remix-icon-theme Recommends: gnome-shell-theme-flat-remix %global _description \ Flat Remix GTK theme is a pretty simple GTK window theme inspired on material\ design following a modern design using "flat" colors with high contrasts and\ sharp borders.\ \ Themes:\ • Flat Remix GTK\ • Flat Remix GTK Dark\ • Flat Remix GTK Darker\ • Flat Remix GTK Darkest\ \ Variants:\ • Solid: Theme without transparency\ • No Border: Darkest theme without white window border %description %{_description} This meta package contains complete Flat Remix theme. %package -n flat-remix-gtk2-theme Summary: GTK+ 2 support for the Flat Remix GTK theme Requires: adwaita-gtk2-theme Recommends: flat-remix-gtk3-theme %description -n flat-remix-gtk2-theme %{_description} This package contains GTK+ 2 theme. %package -n flat-remix-gtk3-theme Summary: GTK+ 3 support for the Flat Remix GTK theme Requires: gtk3%{?_isa} Recommends: flat-remix-gtk2-theme Suggests: flat-remix-theme %description -n flat-remix-gtk3-theme %{_description} This package contains GTK+ 3 theme. %prep %autosetup -n flat-remix-gtk-%{version_git} %install %make_install %files %{_datadir}/themes/*/index.theme %files -n flat-remix-gtk2-theme %{_datadir}/themes/*/gtk-2.0 %{_datadir}/themes/*/metacity-1 %files -n flat-remix-gtk3-theme %doc README.md %license LICENSE %{_datadir}/themes/*/gtk-3.0 %changelog * Sat May 04 2019 Artem Polishchuk - 0.0.20190503-2 - Initial package